
Hello world ! 👋

Hello! I'm Rodolphe Ghio. By day, I dive deep into the world of application security, making sure the apps we all rely on are safe and sound. By night, I switch gears and explore the thrilling offensive side of cybersecurity.

For me, cybersecurity isn't just about keeping things locked down; it's about understanding both sides of the coin – how to protect and how to test those protections with the mindset of an attacker. It's kind of like being a digital detective and a friendly hacker rolled into one.

I'm also pretty active in the cybersecurity community. You might catch me presenting at HackTheBox France meetups, where I get to nerd out about security tricks with others who share my passion. And, I scribble down my thoughts and discoveries on my blog, aiming to make the complex world of cybersecurity a bit more accessible and interesting for everyone.

Let's face it, cybersecurity can be a tough nut to crack, but I believe it's all about sharing what we know, learning from each other, and keeping our digital spaces safe – together.